Gently massage into affected areas as required until conditions disappears, usually within minutes to hours. Once the conditions is under control we recommend applying this treatment cream every evening prior to retiring. For daily control, use Psoriaderm Daily Emulsion.
Ingredients: Mahonia Aquifolium, Burdock Extract, Melaleuca Alternifolia, Aloe Vera, Ginkgo, Hyaluronic Acid, Kosher Collagen, Vitamin E, Essential Fatty Acid, Calendula, St. John’s Wort Oil, Olive Oil, Allantoin, Mango, Chamomile, Emu Oil.
Size: 65ml
1 Review
psoriaderm cream balm
Wonderful product. with wonderful results. And not at the least, courteous and prompt service. Thank you.
Psoriaderm Cream Balm
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